Monday, November 1, 2010

Life is So Cruel

Where to start..
I've been in UniMAP for at least 3 month..
Yet, I still don't know why I CAN'T accept the fact that I'm a student here..
First is for sure that I miss Damansara's Life..
Secondly is because..
Let me say it loud and clear, I hate someone here!!
Seriously I hate "tooot" so much and "tooot" make me left my house and become fugitive..
That happen because of that "tooot"..
That person is very annoying..
Every word that came out from his throat are all disgusting..
All that "tooot" know is make fun of everyone and condemn others..
"tooot" is seriously a horrendous cows!! 
I'm sick of it..
Every time I look at "tooot" face..
I feel like to puke in front of him..
That "tooot" thinks he is the best person ever and whether people like or not, he just pretend everybody likes him..
I don't give a shit of what ever you do just don't disturb my life..
And don't act like UniMAP is yours!!
I'm tired and because my anger can't be neutralise anymore..
I have to write this in my blog..
I'm so fuck up!!
Seriously I feel like leaving this hell hole now!
Oh god save me please..
My prayer is that the next semester I will be transferred into a house that do not contain that "tooot"


Zaidi Sarifuddin said...

haha.. rileks sudah.. ko lempang je toot tu utk aku..

umbrella said...

spe toottttt??
nk kwn..
jz ignore him..smileeeeeeee

Arie said...

arghh.. naseb bek la ade tempat len nak stay kalau kene mengadap muke die je stiap ari,, mati awal la jawabnye..

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